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Buy Now Pay Later B2B: Hype or sustainable trend? – 24th of January 2024


Date: 24th of January 2024 start time 3 o’clock PM – end time: 5 o’clock PM CET

Trends such as digitization, connectivity, big data and other technologies (e.g. blockchain) are fueling innovation in the traditional credit insurance and trade finance industry. This 2-hour fundamentals training is providing a compact overview on  the current Buy Now Pay Later business models in the B2B context. The only requirement for joining this course is interest and basic experience or desire to learn about trends and products in digital payments, fintech and insurtech.

Learning objectives

Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) has recently seen a big adoption in B2C with the offering from companies like Klarna, Amazon or Paypal. At the same time B2B online trade is growing and experiences first offerings in that direction. In this dynamic environment with many ways to play it including a variety of providers, this course aims to shed light on the latest developments seen in the B2B BNPL space with focus on Europe.

We explain the fundamentals, the current market situation, the business plans behind this model and not to forget the regulatory view on this financial product.

Whether this hype and its perceived disruption in the payments, insurance and financing industry is here to stay? This question remains with you to answer but this course will provide you with the necessary background.

Addressed to

The 2-hour overview course will be of immense benefit if you are

  • Product Manager in the field of BNPL, B2B E-Commerce, Trading platforms, Marketplaces
  • Business owner (e.g. B2B merchant)
  • Working in the trade credit insurance, trade finance, factoring or banking industry
  • Employed by a consulting or software company
  • Practitioner and Enthusiast

Course Outline

  • Product definition
  • Different business models
  • Market size and incumbents
  • Process and money flow
  • Involved providers alongside the value chain (e.g. role of trade credit insurance)
  • Regulatory requirements and outlook


Mr. André Düsing (see https://www.linkedin.com/in/andré-düsing-b7b05913)

Mr. Johannes Thanner (see https://www.linkedin.com/in/johannes-thanner-cfa-909b7715)

Teaching format 

Online Webinar via Microsoft Teams: access link and instructions will be sent after registration and fee payment.

Questions during and after the session will be possible and answered.

Presentation will be shared after the course as PDF.


199,– EURO per participant: for groups above five participants a reduction is possible.


Date: 24th of January 2024 start time: 3 o’clock PM – end time 5 0’clock PM CET.